Archives pour la catégorie English

The unspeakable truth about slavery in Mauritania

For all the government’s denials, slavery persists in Mauritania. In a rare insight into the lives of the tens of thousands of people affected, photojournalist Seif Kousmate spent a month photographing and interviewing current and former slaves. While there, he was arrested and imprisoned by police, who confiscated his memory cards, phone and laptop. Lire la suite

Le « Washinton Post » défend les blogueurs mauritaniens

Dans le Washington Post du 1er avril, Nasser Weddady, un activiste connu durant le printemps arabe pour son rôle sur les réseaux sociaux, dénonce l’emprisonnement de son frère par le régime mauritanien

Imagine that convicted U.S. investor and scammer Bernie Madoff, who ran America’s largest Ponzi scheme, was protected by the White House. Next imagine that the president was benefiting from the scam and protecting Madoff from prosecution. Lire la suite

Release the freedom fighter and human rights activist Biram Dah Abeid.

The 2013 UN Human Rights Prize recipient Biram Dah Abeid has been arbitrarily detained by the Mauritanian authorities since August 13th 2018. Mr Abeid is a candidate for the September 2018 legislative elections and candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. For many analysts he remains the main challenger for the incumbent party to win the presidency.
Nominated among the « 100 most influential people in the world » by Time Magazine in 2017, Mr Abeid inspires thousands of enslaved men, women and children in Mauritania and around the world. The human right activist is also known for fighting for justice along side with hundreds of windows and orphans who lost their loved ones during the ethnic cleansing orchestrated by the authoritarian regime of Ould Taya in late 80s and early 90s.

UN Chief & World Leaders Urged to Endorse Appeal for Amnesty of Political Prisoners as UNHRC Celebrates 10th Anniversary on Monday

Geneva Human Rights Council on Syria

GENEVA, June 10, 2016 — UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental human rights organization, today called on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, UN human rights high commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power and EU foreign affairs commissioner Federica Mogherini to endorse an appeal to all 47 member states of the UN Human Rights Council to issue an amnesty to release their political prisoners on the occasion of the Council’s 10th anniversary, which is being celebrated in Geneva at a high level ceremony with the participation of all past presidents of the Council. Lire la suite