Les étudiants américains et la question haratine en Mauritanie
Bismilaahirahmaanir ahiimi J’ai suivi de loin la polémique sur le Forum entre notre jeune frère et combattant de liberté, Mr. Diko Diko avec d’autres camarades-- après la re-publication de l’ancien article a propos des Negros-mauritaniens qui, a l’époque étaient «soupçonnes'» de supporter l’esclavage contre les Haratins en Mauritanie.
Mr. Diko Diko s’est déjà bien excuse’, et a il reconnu que l’erreur qu’il a du commettre était de ne pas tout simplement effacer/omettre le nom de feu Saidou Kane (paix sur lui) de l’ancienne liste, avant de la republier sur le Forum.
En consequence, Je suis parmi ceux qui suggerent qu'il faut depasser la polemique et continuer plutot de conseiller l'AJD/MR de ne pas jouer le jeu de Criminal Mohamed Abdoula Azziz Ould Moufsid dont le but du coup d'Etat illegal et de continuer l'Apartheid beydane raciste exclavagiste sexiste.
Par ailleurs, les Haratins esclaves sont des êtres humains crées avec une langue différente et une couleur différente. Et nous savons tous que, si les Haratins esclaves ne sont pas opprimes’ a cause de leur langue, ils ont tout du moins opprimes’ a cause de la couleur de leur peau noire -- comme la peau noire des autres Negros.
Et ce qui est dramatique et incompréhensible, c’est qu’en Mauritanie on veut nier l’esclavage sauvage, tout comme on nie l’Apartheid beydane sauvage egalement.
Or étant donne’ que le monde est devenu un «village global», il n’est plus questions de nier et de cacher l’esclavage sauvage en Mauritanie, contre les Haratins esclaves. Tous les pays du monde savent que, l’esclavage contre les Haratins existe en Mauritanie. Les etudiants du monde –y compris les etudiants américains savent que l’esclavage sauvage existe en Mauritanie et qu'il est pratique' a ciel ouvert.
Et c'est justement a travers des exercises de grammaire que les etudiants americains decouvrent l'esclavage sauvage en Mauritanie, contre les Haratins.
Je vous donne un exemple concret. Un jour, l’une des mes étudiantes m’avait demande’ de lui corriger un exercice de grammaire tire' du livre «The Everyday Writer» (photo-ci contre) . Le manuel est utilise’ comme un «required texbook» (texte obligatoire) dans pas mal d’universités, a travers les Etats-Unis.. La page et le numero des execrecises dans le livre sont indiques'.
@http://search. barnesandnoble. com/Everyday- Writer/Andrea- A-Lunsford/ e/9780312413231
34.41 Revising comma splices
Revise each of the following comma splices or fused sentences by using the method suggested in brackets after the sentence. (See the Everyday Writer, pp. 265.)
Example: Americans think of slavery as a problem of the past, but it still exists in some parts of the world. [Join with a comma and coordination. ]
We tend to think of slavery only in U.S. terms in fact, it began long before the United States existed and still goes on. [Separate into two sentences.]
The group Human Rights Watch filed a report on Mauritania, it is a nation in northwest Africa. [Recast as one independent clause.]
Slavery has existed in Mauritania for centuries it continues today. [Join with a comma and a coordinating conjunction. ]
Members of Mauritania’s ruling group called the Beydanes, they are an Arab Berber tribe also known as the White Moors. [Recast as an independent clause.]
Another group in Mauritania is known as the Haratin or the Black Moors they are native West Africans. [Separate into two sentences.]
In modern-day Mauritania many of the Haratin are still slaves they serve the Beydanes. [Join with semicolon.]
The first modern outcry against slavery in Mauritania arose in 1980, protesters objected to the public sale of an enslaved woman. [Recast as an independent and dependent clause.]
Mauritania outlawed slavery in 1981 little has been done to enforce law. [Join with a comma and coordinating conjunction. ]I
The law promised slaveholders financial compensation for freeing their slaves however, the language of the law did not explain exactly who come up with the money. [Join the semicolon.]
Physical force is not usually used to enslave the Haratin Rather, they are held by the force of conditioning. [Separate into two sentences.]
In some ways the Mauritanian system is different from slavery in the United States there are few slave rebellions in Mauritania. [Join with a comma and coordinating. ]
Many Mauritanian slaves live in their own houses, they may work for their former masters in exchange for a home or for food or medical care. [Recast as an independent and dependent clause.]
In addition, there may be as many as 90,000 Haratin still enslaved some Beydanes have refused to free their slaves unless the government pays compensation. [Join with semicolon.]
Some Mauritanians claim that slavery is not a problem in their country in fact, in 2001, a Mauritanian official told United Nations committee that slavery had never existed there. [Join with a dash.]
Of course, slavery must have existed in Mauritania there would have been no compelling reason to make a decree to abolish it in 1981. [Join with a comma and a coordinating conjunction. ]
The president of Mauritania insisted in 1997 that discussion of modern slavery were intended only to hurt the country’s reputation his comments did not offer much hope for opponents of slavery. [Recast as an independent and a dependent clause.]
Both the slaveholding Beydanes and the enslaved Haratin are made up largely of Muslims, some people in Mauritania see resistance to slavery in their country as anti-Muslim. [Join with a comma and a coordinating conjunction. ]
Islamic authorities in Mauritania have agreed that all Muslims are equal therefore, one Muslim must not enslave another. [Join with a semicolon.]
By some estimates 300,000 former slaves still serve their old masters these slaves are psychologically and economically dependent [ Recast as an independent and a dependant clause]
In some cases, Western opponents of Mauritanian slavery may indeed harbor ant-Muslim sentiments that does not justify allowing slavery to continue. [Join with a semi-colon]
Que c’est vraiment triste et honteux! Et pourtant, en Mauritanie, l’Islam enseigne aux esclavagistes que:
«Wa min ayaatiHii khalqu samawaati wal ardi wakhtilaafu elsinetukum wa alwaanukum» (Surat Ar-Rum): Et parmi Ses signes/manifestatio ns (d’Allah), la creation de la terre et des cieux et les différences de vos langues et de vos couleurs.
Et voila donc, un beau verset qui met l’accent sur la diversité culturelle et linguistique. N'est-ce pas?
Pourquoi donc en Mauritanie --un pays qui se dit "Islamique"- - les Haratins esclaves sont maintenus en esclavage sauvage et exploites’ jusqu’a l’os, simplement a cause de la couleur de leur peau?
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