La Chambre des représentants américain présente ses excuses aux Noirs
Traduction : Anglais » Français La Chambre
des représentants a récemment présenté ses excuses pour l'esclavage et les lois
Jim Crow que le fardeau de notre nation et l'African American personnes pour la
majorité de nos pays existence. Il existe de nombreux qui veulent plus que des
excuses. Certains veulent des réparations, la demande de vastes réformes, et
sont cyniques sur les motivations du Congrès de Steve Cohen, qui a parrainé la
législation. Plutôt que de se méfier, je pense qu'il est préférable de prendre
les excuses à leur valeur nominale. Anglais The House of Representatives has recently apologized for slavery and the Jim Crow laws that burdened our nation and the African American people for the majority of our countries existence. There are many who want more than an apology. Some want reparations, demand sweeping reforms, and are cynical about the motivations of Congressman Steve Cohen, who sponsored the legislation. Rather than be suspicious I think it is best to take the apology at face value. Ten years ago, maybe even five years ago, an apology for slavery and Jim Crow seemed very unlikely. Many of us in the African American community had accepted the fact that we would be the only misused group to whom the United States government felt it owed nothing. An apology is not about restitution, it is about one person, or entity, admitting fault and asking pardon or forgiveness. Our nation has come very far in forty years despite the tendrils of malignant racism that still exist. It is not time to forget, but it is time to forgive. The apology was offered by a White congressman in an African American district, who applied for, and was rejected for, membership in the Congressional Black Caucus. I think that says a lot about race relations. So, that being the case I would like to, on behalf of my parents, grandparents and other ancestors accept your apology United States House of Representatives. I have not forgotten what happened, and I expect better behavior from you in the future, but I forgive you and release myself from the burden of bitterness that often accompanies great injury. I hope many of my brothers and sisters do the same.